

英語で読みたい ヘンリー・ソロー 珠玉の名言 より






Henry David Thoreau ヘンリー・デイヴィッド・ソロー 著











 It is well to find your employment and amusement in simple and homely thing. These wear best and yield most.
















Simplicity is the law(法律)of nature for men as well as(と同様)for flowers.














This is the only way, we say; but there are as many ways as there can be drawn radii(半径)from one center.















simplicity is exuberant.











 Let not to get a living by thy 「あなたの、汝の」trade , but thy sport. Enjoy the land , but own it not.

















 The best thing a man can do for his culture when he is rich is to endeavor to carry out (実施する)those schemes (計画)which he entertained when he was poor.


















 A broad margin (十分な余暇)of leisure is as beautiful in a man's life as in a book. Haste (急ぐ)makes waste, no less in life than in housekeeping.


















 One thing is certain , that we had best be doing something in good earnest ,  henceforth (これからは)forever ;  that's an indispensable philosophy.













 Do what nobody else can do for you. Omit (除外)to do anything else(その他のこと).

















I thrive best on solitude. 僕は孤独によって成長する。






When we should still be growing children ,we are already little men. 僕たちはまだ、成長しつつある子供であるべきなのに、もうすでに小さな大人になっている。












Men are knowing enough after their fashion. 人間は、自分の流儀で知るようになる。






How much,what infinite,leisure(時間) it requires(必要),as of a life time,to appreciate(味わう)a single phenomenon(出来事)!














It is as hard to see oneself as to look backwards without turning round. 自分を理解することは、向きを変えずに後ろを見るのと同じくらい難しい。












The voice of nature is always encouraging. 自然の声は、いつも励ましをくれる。












A Single gentle rain makes the grass many shades greener.so our prospect brighten on the influx of better throughts.

prospect 見通し

brighten 明るく















My friends wonder that I love to walk alone in solitary fields and woods by night. 僕の友人たちは驚くのだが、僕は夜、人気のない野原や森を一人で歩くのが好きだ。













Who are we ? where are we? 僕たちは誰なのか、僕たちはどこにいるのか?













The most I can do for my friend is simply to be his friend.  ぼくが友のためにできる最大のことは、ただ彼の友人でいることである。















 We think that that is which appears to be.



















 The life in us is like the water in the river.






























森の生活(ウォールデン) - ヘンリー・D・ソロー & 神原栄一




孤独の愉しみ方 森の生活者ソローの叡智 - ヘンリー・ディヴィッド・ソロー & 服部千佳子